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Child and Youth Worker Diploma Program

You're Only 46 Weeks Away From Achieving Success Within a Youth Worker Career

Child and Youth Worker Program

The Child and Youth Worker program (CYW)  prepares professionals for employment in public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations. This program will equip individuals to work with young people in diverse settings to develop prevention, intervention and treatment strategies to enable a positive change in children, youths and their families who experience various emotions and social and behavioural challenges. In addition, individuals will develop the requisite skills to advocate for the youth and their families utilizing an ecological, client-centred, anti-oppression, inclusive approach.



March 17, 2025


46 Weeks


Online Course



Bursary up to $2650. Conditions Apply*

Registration Fee


Child and Youth Worker

Job Opportunities

As a Child and Youth Worker, you will be able to work in various settings such as:

  • Residential Treatment Centers
  • Secure and Open custody
  • Day Camps
  • Youth Shelters
  • Cultural and Community Settings
  • Outreach and Residential Counselling centers 
  • School-Based Educational Assistant programs
  • Addiction Centers 
  • Clinical settings /Case Management 
  • Autism Support Centers 
  • Behavioral Management Specialists Centers

Alpha Student Experiences

"I've learnt so much during my time with Alpha Career College and I still apply these lessons every day while working with children and youth."


Admission Requirements

  • An Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) / foreign equivalent high school diploma evaluated in Canada / Wonderlic SLE (administered by Alpha Career College)

  • 18 years of age or older on or before the program commences

*Approved as a vocational program under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005

Course Outline

  • CYW 001 - Introduction to Child and Youth Care

    In this subject, students will learn a range of professional competencies required by the beginning Child and Youth Care professional. The subject offersan entry-level knowledge of child and youth protection and the law in Canada including the Duty to Report, the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. This subject will also examine the role of the Child &Youth Care Worker in various milieus and environments.      

  • CYW 002 - Child and Adolescent Development

    The subject covers a comprehensive study of human development from birth to adolescence and will examine the developmental processes and milestones with an emphasis on behavioural, cognitive and social, and emotional domains. 

  • CYW 003 - Introduction to Mental Health for Child and Youth Care

    This subject explores common mental health disorders of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood as part of a continuum of development. It will explore societal perspectives of abnormal behaviour and the ethical use of mental health terms and labels.  

  • CYW 004 - Mental Health Literacy for Child and Youth Care

    This subject examines specific mental health disorders of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood as part of a continuum of development. This topic also provided with diagnoses, symptoms, treatments, and behavioural strategies as they relate to each mental health disorder and to the work of a CYC practitioner.

  • CYW 005 - Fundamentals of Case Management

    This subject provides a step-by-step guide through the case management process specific to Children and Youth, from intake and assessment to referrals and termination. Current practice trends and considerations, current legal issues, ethics, and ethical issues. Students will also focus on the importance of maintaining accurate client information and collaborating with other service providers.

  • CYW 006 - Issues, Ethics & Inclusivity in Child and Youth Care

    This subject explores the basis for professionals to discover their own guidelines for helping within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. Development of critical thinking skills when dealing with ethics issues will include an anti-oppressive lens to their practice.

  • CYW 007 - Record Keeping and Documentation

    This subject the requisite skills the of creating and maintaining accurate, up-to-date comprehensive, professional documentation and client records that meet legal scrutiny. 

  • CYW 008 - Crisis Intervention Strategies

    In this subject, students will learn the task model to provide a systematic way of dealing with people in crisis: Defining the Problem, Ensuring Client Safety, Providing Support, Examining Alternatives, Making Plans, and Obtaining Commitment.

  • CYW 009 - At-Risk Youth and Youth Justice

    This subject explores the problem of youth crime within social contexts, and to recognize the facts that lead youth to enter into conflict with the law. It will introduce such topics as how police handle young persons while focusing on new and updated legislation, such as the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights, the Safe Streets and Communities Act, the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and the Youth Criminal Justice Act..

  • CYW 010 - Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents

    This subject demonstrates how traumatized children understand the world around them, how they interact with others, how their issues manifest in their behaviour, and other ongoing challenges they face with anxiety, trauma triggers, mental health issues, and relationships.

  • CYW 011 - Interviewing Skills

    This subject covers interviewing skills within the helping professions. This includes the basic theory and skills necessary for effective interviewing including useful clarification and attitudes in relation to cultural competence and boundaries, and effective communication skills, including identifying responses, listening and responding, asking questions, and dealing with difficult issues.

  • CYW 012 - Counselling Children and Adolescents

    The fundamental elements of counselling and the development of intra/interpersonal communication skills are explored. Emphasis will be placed on the theory and practical skills necessary to therapeutically respond to children and youth people in a supportive, constructive, and culturally sensitive manner.

  • CYW 013 - Child and Youth Care Practice with Families

    This subject addresses the shift from client-focused Child and Youth Care to integrating the needs of the client’s family. The focus is on strategies used with the child and their family within the context of his or her home as well as emphasize the broader social, economic, cultural, and community environments. Interventions/strategies will be looked at from a strength-based approach. Students will be introduced to a variety of topics in this subject including.

  • CYW 014 - Interventions with Children and Youth

    In this subject, individuals will learn how to develop the diverse skills required to practice effective helping relationships when working with at-risk children and youth. Students will learn, among other things, how to utilize a strength-based approach, developmentally appropriate practice, understanding play and behaviours, and attachment theory.

  • CYW 015 - Advocacy and Welfare of Children and Adolescents

    This subject discusses advocacy, current protective legislation; youth justice; children’s rights; the rights of children in care; laws that govern Children’s Mental Health; laws that govern the Education Act; and other current issues that govern the CYC profession.

  • CYW 016 - CYC Practitioner Health Promotion Strategies

    Health promotion self-care tools to assist with potential burnout, compassion fatigue, and/or vicarious trauma. Tools, exercises, and strategies will be explored and discussed.

  • CYW 017 - Child and Youth Care Virtual Project

    This project provides the opportunity learning to be transferred to a virtual case study that will take them throughout the CYC process. 

Register Now For The Child and Youth Worker Program to Begin Your Journey Here at The Alpha Career College

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